
Sharipova prefers people use the more appropriate termsynthetic human” in reference to her...

When you think about it, isn’t every picture of Ming-Na Wen just her kicking time’s ass?

Just a reminder that Mark E Smith tried to stop this from happening...

Any time I try to explain interacting with Steelers fans to my non-football watching friend she always asks “Why do football fans hate the players so much?” I really wish it wasn’t such an easy question to answer...

This overly long comment from one of the Steelers comments sections I lurk in (because I hate myself don’t really want to be happy I keep a document file of links to the worst things that have been said there...) sums up Steelers fans better than I ever could...

“About 7 or 8 years ago, Ben Rothelsberger was the target

I can’t remember what triggered it, but that was like an entire day’s worth of ranting for me working at the old record store once upon a time. lol

Ugh don’t get me started with Daniel Lanois...


Yeah I wondered about that as well....

On the plus side even as a kid those things taught me how to take apart controllers and cannibalize the parts from two bad joysticks to create one working one. I had a shoe box full of disassembled controllers in my closet from trying to keep one of those things running at all times.

I am hoping that pun was intentional...

As a Red Wings fans that used to scream about the Devils using that goddam trap all the time I approve of this comment.

Bloody Hell, this comments section is an embarrassing mess of hot takes and corporate boot-licking explaining why people making shitty money deserve to be further screwed by a company that’s entire business model is predicated upon skirting any sort of government regulations or responsibilities to it’s employees. I

Man... They’re going to get Horsey Sauce and Jamoca Shakes everywhere.

Thank you! I was just tuning through the comments to see if anyone mentioned that old Tick episode before I posted something. All I could think about was the “Sidekick Lounge.” The Tick vs. The Tick was a great episode....

Meanwhile over in Random Steelers Blog comments section I’m sure everyone one is taking this well...

I’m sure Steelers fans are reacting to this in a completely rational and calm manner...

As someone who posts a lot on a Steelers blog I have a term I use for that sort of person.... an average Steeler fan.