Sharipova prefers people use the more appropriate term “synthetic human” in reference to her...
Sharipova prefers people use the more appropriate term “synthetic human” in reference to her...
When you think about it, isn’t every picture of Ming-Na Wen just her kicking time’s ass?
Just a reminder that Mark E Smith tried to stop this from happening...
Any time I try to explain interacting with Steelers fans to my non-football watching friend she always asks “Why do football fans hate the players so much?” I really wish it wasn’t such an easy question to answer...
This overly long comment from one of the Steelers comments sections I lurk in (because I hate myself don’t really want to be happy I keep a document file of links to the worst things that have been said there...) sums up Steelers fans better than I ever could...
“About 7 or 8 years ago, Ben Rothelsberger was the target…
I can’t remember what triggered it, but that was like an entire day’s worth of ranting for me working at the old record store once upon a time. lol
Ugh don’t get me started with Daniel Lanois...
Yeah I wondered about that as well....
On the plus side even as a kid those things taught me how to take apart controllers and cannibalize the parts from two bad joysticks to create one working one. I had a shoe box full of disassembled controllers in my closet from trying to keep one of those things running at all times.
I am hoping that pun was intentional...
As a Red Wings fans that used to scream about the Devils using that goddam trap all the time I approve of this comment.
Bloody Hell, this comments section is an embarrassing mess of hot takes and corporate boot-licking explaining why people making shitty money deserve to be further screwed by a company that’s entire business model is predicated upon skirting any sort of government regulations or responsibilities to it’s employees. I…
Man... They’re going to get Horsey Sauce and Jamoca Shakes everywhere.
Thank you! I was just tuning through the comments to see if anyone mentioned that old Tick episode before I posted something. All I could think about was the “Sidekick Lounge.” The Tick vs. The Tick was a great episode....
Meanwhile over in Random Steelers Blog comments section I’m sure everyone one is taking this well...
I’m sure Steelers fans are reacting to this in a completely rational and calm manner...
As someone who posts a lot on a Steelers blog I have a term I use for that sort of person.... an average Steeler fan.