
Some quick math: we had 11.8 million readers in April, per Quantcast. The GG base, the Kotaku In Action subreddit, has 35,000 subscribers. Even if you assume all of those subscribers are actually supporters of the campaign (which is unlikely), they’d be the equivalent of roughly 0.2% of our traffic.

Well, uh, if you’re part of a campaign that hopes to destroy Starbucks, you should probably stop buying those mocha frappuccinos.

If you support Gamergate, why are you on Kotaku? Shouldn’t you be boycotting us?

I just love that the film has upset gamergate and MRA supporters. I hope the game does the same.

Bomb threats are deplorable regardless of how awful the individuals they target are. No one deserves to be the victim of senseless violence, and no one should wish such senseless violence on other individuals.

Yes, we’re talking about the same Kotaku, a news and opinion outlet like any other that will have successes and stumbles along the way. I agonize about stories all the time, some I wish we did better, some that we’ve had to run despite a lot of resistance from people involved who didn’t want us to tell a fair

If GamerGate were actually about ethics in journalism, they would not be actively trying to destroy Kotaku — a site that refuses press junkets, regularly pisses off game publishers through aggressive journalism, and is just about as transparent as any gaming site can be — they’d be going after Metacritic and exclusive

I'm not sure kids being up late one night is exactly the problem in this story.

I know many people who don't like Gamergate who are tired of it. They're not alone. I was talking to a Gamergater

I don't agree with her on most of the things, her videos aren't that great. They DO have good points thou.