
Yes, but Japanese is the default.

So.. it’s anime Robot Chicken?

I thought it was hilarious when I got to the end of the article and saw the same recommended one repeated so many times

I am one of the biggest Destiny stans out here. Dig into my comment history and you’ll see.

So when it comes back from its hiatus, will it be Dragonball Super Duper?

It is performing extremely well actually . Its being simulcast all around the world. It hs been a resounding success.

It is going on HIATUS. It will be back . They have been working non-stop for a while now. This will give them time to focus on production as well as letting the manga catch up.

Super will return

The final scene from the Sakura story mode is her with longer hair (so a couple years after SFV) walking a dog when she sees Ryu in his standard gi and duffle bag wandering karate bum get up.

At times DCS seems more like passion projects.

With this and the F-14 module coming out, I am so excited.

It’s probably easier to land on the carrier in this game than Top Gun for NES

It goes without saying that DCS has been an amazing flight sim for many years now, but the F/A-18 module is a welcome addition.

This game can be made, but one based on flying X-wings and TIE fighters can’t?

While I often doubt how well VR will catch on, I really can’t deny that ‘seated’ experiences like flight or driving are PERFECT for VR. It’s the closest you’ll ever get to a real cockpit without a pilots license.

This looks AMAZING. I wonder if it will have any VR capability.

Not exactly. Involuntary manslaughter doesn’t require willful indifference to human life, only negligence or recklessness.

Weak charge IMO. I don’t know how it works there, but in Texas, criminally negligent manslaughter or even second degree murder would be on the table because the death was a direct consequence of his committing another crime and show a willful indifference to human life.  

“These people.”

He doubled down after talking about that Call of Duty fighter jet yesterday

Whelp, there it is: