
ai has the huge advantage of having her vids eng subbed, i hope more follow. i find her vids charming and absurd and they give me this nice ‘the future is now’ vibe.

So, what we’re seeing speaks for itself.

The rich are ruining the game after the game required you to be rich to play the game? Yeah sounds about right.

This becomes more frustrating when you are in a lobby trying to sell millions of dollars worth of drugs or guns.

Seriously, sublicense to Criterion and let them go at an X-Wing reboot.

...see yourself into the care of those who will prevent you from harming others over your tiny dick issues.

trigger happy police, this would never happen in europe. Better trained officers

I came here to say the same thing. The police and the caller are both criminally liable. If a man answers the door peacefully and is then exexuted, that is terrible police recruiting / training / practice. We now know from the Daniel Shaver case that police are eager to open fire, and treat civilian lives as

All true. I grew up in a law enforcement family.

There are rules, regulations, and training programs that pertain to trigger discipline.

They fail more often than they should.

That said, if the dipshit who made the call hadn’t been butthurt over a fucking game, this particular instance of awfulness wouldn’t have

“I didn’t get anyone killed because I didn’t discharge a weapon, and because...”


Fuck you.

If you made that call, you are at fault, full stop.

It’s a fucking video game. Get your shit together and be a decent human being, or see yourself into the care of those who will prevent you from harming others over your tiny

That’s because he’s now getting destroyed in HD

Welp, I guess that’s it for acting. Time to look for human remains in Anthony Hopkins’ freezer.

So the dude who made a name for himself being an asshole to people in online games turns out to be an asshole in real life?

I’m guessing Comcast will be the first one, since they already don’t give a shit about good customer service and are openly assholes.

I’m waiting for the first ISP to act badly. You know the very first instance of douche baggery will result in all of us yelling a resounding “We told you so,” I hope it happens as soon as possible.

Insanely fun build. I should get another just for the parts.

Insanely fun build. I should get another just for the parts.

Yup, just plug it in.

Yeah, in the words of my weight lifting friends, guys bulk up but women just get hotter.