
The ability to find strength to stand against seemingly insurmountable odds is downright useful in a disaster situation. The inability to believe in the possibility of a disaster situation only serves to reduce our ability to survive it. If one cannot prepare one is condemned to merely react.

Before one can forge a sword, one must first invent the hammer and the anvil... We have an anvil... now all we need is a suitable hammer... *glances briefly in the direction of CERN...*

732km. Neutrinos. 60ns.... which is actually a decent measurable amount. Now the question is, if it is replicated elsewhere, is the measurement over the same distance (or adjusted for the difference) 60ns? Even if its not replicable, its possible we saw an interaction that deals with deformities caused by the

I think that was sitting in Charon.

I really can't see a way of stopping the forward march of technology in this way. Although this sort of thing makes me wish even harder for some of the nanotech I've been dreaming up (I mean I'm using the RFID thing in a novel I'm working on, and it scares me the ways I'm thinking of using it knowing someone else is

People will always want to be better/stronger/faster/smarter than those around them. They will usually want to take the least expensive, shortest path to get there too. For most, the shortest, least expensive path is hard work and effort on a daily basis. But for some, those who are looking for any edge,

Nanotech all the way. :) I'd rather enhance what I have than replace it. Besides, I kind of like the idea of a few million-billion nanoprocessors attached to my neurons interfacing and enhancing my processing ability and encrypting what's up in my noggin properly. :)

It looks like a modification of the shuttle derived heavy lift concept that was basically a shuttle main tank with engines, a nose cone, and two SRB's strapped to the side.

As long as the gene for bio-luminescence isn't linked to the genes that produce the stinger cells... I hope they can help future cats and humans with this research. I have a friend who has a cat affected by FIV. :( He's only a year old and they don't expect him to last more than a few months. :((

I spend an awful lot of time going through science and tech pages scouring for information about the latest things happening. I have been working on a couple novels for a while, but its mostly for my own mind's appeasement - I don't ever expect that I'll get published. Still, its the sort of thing where I'm looking

Actually, I misspoke above. Now that I think about it I see what makes it "impossible". Its the fusion of heavier elements, if such a thing occurs. The less mass a star has, the longer its hydrogen nuclear fusion remains stable. Stars below a certain mass, such as red dwarfs, cant fuse helium when their primary

As it was pointed out below, Calcium is an alkaline Earth metal. Several steps below Lithium which is an Alkaline Metal.

I still like the idea of nano machines in the human body. They might not be able to tear a person apart from the inside out to replicate, but they just might be perfect for targeting those "impurities" gathering them into one place, and using them to construct useful things and perhaps clean out the garbage in our

That's only one theoretical method of time travel. While we can't change the speed of light, we can change the structure of the space that light travels through - of course theoretically. And lets not forget, the amount we know of the nature of space-time compared to the amount we don't know is like a grain of sand

I'm filled with awesome excitement about this. I hope it really happens along with the other two experimental courses online (Intro to Machine Learning and Intro to Databases). Its free knowledge and learning (even if you don't get that much out of it) and its a part of an online experiment to promote education.

I prefer nanotechnology enhancement to cybernetic replacement.

There are many potential causes for ETI to intervene. However, I doubt that any ETI that sees us as harmful would do anything to accelerate the process of us destroying ourselves. Because, lets face it, that's what we're doing. Human life is a fickle thing that exists within a finite range of planetary conditions.

A nice, clear, and mostly correct statement. However, you are forgetting one thing: Those in power wish to stay in power. Those who have power wish to have more power. And those who have property that could suddenly not be "theirs" would be highly resistant to relinquishing said property. Therefore such

Interesting architecture. The more closely paired the processing and memory elements, the more capable the machine should be. But there are limitations to human style memory processing - things that traditional processing excels at. The real trick to this will be to preserve the components of programming and

This is just personal opinion and doesn't reflect any scientific knowledge other than my own limited grasp: