
Levon Helm and Karen Carpenter drumming and singing in heaven.

Garth plays on Neko Case's records! Neat!

Nice chair.

Yep. Reminds me of the early 90s in a good way. Super duper.

"European Son", too. "Holy fuck!"

First VU song I heard was Cowboy Junkies' cover of "Sweet Jane"

I never even knew Squeeze existed until this GTG article. And I'm a huge VU fan, or so I thought.

No! Everyone does not skip "The Gift".

No. Not horse tranquilizers.

Ya hit her pretty hard there, Rick.

It's a fascinating shithole.

Did you read Bicycle Diaries? It made me want to bring him along on my next vacation.

I love this band, and Klaus can walk on water. That is all.

Did you hear The Sebadoh? It might have been bad enough that even the band had to call it quits.


#9: Tuesday Afternoon

Right! Exactly. When a band has good new material to tour behind, I fell like it really makes the show click. For instance, Superchunk could have toured in 2010 and sold out clubs, no problem. But since they were touring behind a really good comeback album (IMO their best since Here's Where the Strings Come In), the

If by recent, you mean everything after Teenager of the Year, then yes. Agreed.

Das funy, dude.

She can definitely sing. She says: