White guy here in heart of MF Republahoma. I’m pretty stressed. And NO ONE to vent to about it. I bottle more shit up daily than Coca-Cola.
White guy here in heart of MF Republahoma. I’m pretty stressed. And NO ONE to vent to about it. I bottle more shit up daily than Coca-Cola.
Ew, dude. Just stop.
Now, don’t be disgusting.
Don’t feel ashamed of starting late! I have had multiple educators at my school tell me that older/non-traditional students tend to handle the rigor of medical school better because we’ve worked jobs and had life experience outside of college. I’ve also had attendings say that they appreciate the perspective and…
That is an absurd over-generalization.
Seconded. The amount of incredible female talent who has written for Jez and gone on to NYT, GQ, The Atlantic, television, book deals, and more... It’s so inspiring.
Had to look up IANAL, because what my brain first read and what it ultimately means are two ENTIRELY different things.
but remember that time Kathy Griffin was mean to him?
Thank God he’s okay! What a horrible thing! And those skinwastes will get what’s coming to them—check with your local DOT and see if there’s camera footage. If it was near a school chances are good it was filmed.
Thrilled that it your pup is ok. Yes, humans continue to be awful which is why we have our dogs. Here’s to a quick recovery!
I’m so sorry! I’m so glad, though, that your darling boy is ok. My little Peke Remy was not so lucky....
Irish Wolfhound! I grew up with one. Glad he’s ok.
oh god seeing one of my dogs get hit by a car is one of my worst nightmares. i have a cat-chasing heeler and a pittie with crap recall and i worry about it all the time. i’m so glad your pup is gonna be okay! and fuck the person who didn’t stop, what a garbage human.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck this is my worst nightmare. I hate my condo but also love my condo because no yard and no direct street access and I STILL stress about it. I am so glad to hear your wolf hound will be ok. That person is a piece of shit and I hope they get what’s coming to them.
Do you have a Facebook page for your city or neighborhood? We have one in my town and probably half of the people who live here are on it. Way more people will see it if you put someone on blast on Facebook then in a paper these days I bet. I wouldn’t hesitate to do so.
I am SO sorry, and I’m glad he’s doing ok. That person is an absolute jerk. You made a simple mistake that most owners have made, and please don’t beat yourself up. The driver bears the responsibility on this, not you.
Puppy get well! Dragons and White Walkers, eliminate those nasty people.
Jesus Murphy. I am SO sorry you (and pup!) went through that and SO glad he is okay. You poor thing. Your poor pup. That terrible driver.
Wow! That is one tough puppy. So happy he is OK. ❤️🐶
Oh my gods, fuck those people with a rusty spatula. I’m glad your dog is ok. I hope you will be ok :(