
And, you know, that’s reasonable. Everyone isn’t going to be a fan of Leslie Jones but jesus christ, what is wrong with people who think an invasion of privacy and terrorizing someone online is the appropriate response? What happened to saying hey not my thing, or here’s a critique of her work and then dropping it?

I’ve been thinking a meteor would be awesome for a while now.

All because she’s the black character in Ghostbusters? Did I miss something? What exactly brought out this level of hatred?

Whoa bud. Thats Lesbian Shitasses to you.

So true. What concerns me is that if Muslim women cannot dress as they wish (be it their own real desire or simply keep their family happy [like white Xtians never dress/act in a way to keep dad or grandma happy??]) while joining in social and athletic activities, they will stop taking part. Isolating observant

This, right here, is what causes terrorism. You can put as many bomb sniffing dogs and armed guards in the airports as you want. If we continue to marginalize and ostracize the Muslim community, there are still going to be shootings and suicide bombers and worse. We would be so much more effective fighting

how dare they enjoy public spaces like everyone else

I’m sure she feels way less oppressed now.

This law makes me so angry. I get that France is a more secular nation than the US (and I often wish religious groups would butt out further from American politics) but this law is clearly an islamiphobic response to terrorism. Women on the beach with their kids are the last people you should be attacking.

This is sickening. I can’t even fathom being surrounded by police and forced to take off some of my clothes while I’m simply trying to enjoy an afternoon with my family. Shame on every bastard involved in the creation and enforcing of these laws.

Man, I’d hate to think what they’re doing in the town of Mean.

At the time the media treated her like she was crazy for doing that. She doesn't look so crazy anymore.

Agreed on both counts. She dated Mark Saling, didn’t she?

yeah, it’s internalized for sure. even though i wouldn’t categorize myself as bulimic, there were definitely times in college that i regretted what i ate, and i knew purging was an option, so i did it. it seemed so casual at the time. and i wasn’t alone in this. almost every member of our volleyball team did this at

This jumped out at me:

Brrap Brrap Pew Pew

Nice! Way to make the most of your day off!