
Some public goods should not be run for a profit. Prisons are one of those things. Some would argue that healthcare is also one of those things, but I digress.

lol Just his mentality:

did Brazil make the final? i know nothing about track protocol, but it would seem that if Brazil was outside their lane and caused contact, they would get DQ-ed

Someone on Twitter referred to him as “Swim Shady” which is so brilliant, and I hope it catches on.

I don’t even care who’s lying, this mess is so much more interesting than the games.

failed to hand the baton to English Gardner.’

I love that people are able to look at theUS and then make posts like this with a straight face. People clutching their pearls over this were never going to go to Rio in the first place.

Who among us hasn’t gotten drunk and caused a minor international incident?

Everyone is lying here.

The memes/jokes have made this ridic story worthwhile.

For what it’s worth, Daily Mail is reporting the swimmers trashed a gas station bathroom, and the security guard at the gas station pulled a gun and said they had to pay for damages. But some other outlets are saying generic brawl at the gas station. I am anxiously awaiting the leak of that footage.

I’m actually kind of impressed that Lochte had the foresight to skip town before everything went south.

Well, they were robbed too supposedly, so I’d say they’re not completely disinterested.

Their police rob olympic swimmers at gun point

Personal theory: homeboy told his mom the robbery story because he was supposed to call her but he stayed out all night getting high at France House or whatever. Then his mom tells the hometown paper. Then the AP picks it up. Then suddenly you've got a full fledged sitcom scenario on your hands.

I guess the irony is (for once) it’s the white swimming dudes who get to see what it’s like when the authorities don’t believe them.

It’s not a joke to lie about getting robbed at gunpoint by cops. You think that if Russian swimmers pulled that stunt in New York people would just chuckle?

The most charitable thing I can think of, is that they really REALLY want to get to the bottom of a case in which an extremely well known athlete claimed to have been robbed by people impersonating the police.

wait, you think Brazil is the one looking bad here? lol ok