
Ok, no. Repeating the word like every two words and pronouncing every word with an upward inflection is obnoxious regardless of gender. Kinda reaching with that.

“Robotic” and “insincere” are both perfectly fine criticisms. So, in fact, are Sullivan’s “pedestrian” and “uninspiring”. People are free to disagree with you, but those are terms that are routinely applied to male speakers as well as female.

Bizarre Hillary attacks won’t go away in November. Just ask Obama.

Yes, because Trump’s voice is sweet, gentle and music to the ears. He never raises his voice. And he smiles constantly! So it’s completely fair to expect the same of Hillary.

He’s been on “Parks and Recreation” and now “SVU”. Maybe his post WH gig will be his own show on NBC.

OMG DNC STOP you’re going to smother your nominee and the entire attendance of the convention in balloons SERIOUSLY SOMEONE GO CUT OFF THE BALLOON GUY

It started to drown out the people shouting no more war at the Medal of Honor recipient ( born to French immigrant parents) that lost his leg to an ied protecting his fellow soldiers, so cool by me.

I get they are disappointed, but they also present as incredibly immature. The worst part is, their behaviors are besmirching the incredible innovations and contributions that Bernie and his campaign have suggested and achieved. :-/

He was truly brilliant, and that burn he delivered by producing his pocket Constitution was more epic than anything short of Abdul-Jabbar’s.

Ugh, yes. There’s a big difference between being anti-war and being anti-military personnel. Our military also assists with NATO, aid, and disaster recovery.

Perhaps it makes me a “war hawk,” but I believe in my heart of hearts there ARE things worth going to war for; there are causes worth putting the soul of our

God I was so angry when that shit started. I’m glad it was a minority, but it shouldn’t have happened at all.

As a daughter of immigrants, I am literally flooded with tears after the speech given by the father of the slain Muslim soldier. I am a staunch Independent, but this convention has convinced me to switch to the Democratic Party. If they continue to follow the principles that I see here, they will have my lifelong

Diplo, most definitely would as long as he doesn’t speak.

I agree about Diplo, but I’m less certain about MIA.


Getting SO sick of people who have such a convoluted sense of “principles” that keep talking shit about not voting or voting third party because they “care” so much for what Bernie stands for. UM IM SORRY BUT the supreme court nominations alone make this a NO BRAINER. What is it exactly that they think he stands for?

I think it was Chris Rock at the Oscars saying that the reason people dont care about what men are wearing is because they are all wearing the same damn thing. The only obvious variation is the tie. If youre into mens clothing Im sure you could find subtle differences between all the suits.

I was with you until you listed being “too tall” as one of the things that makes him weird. What the fuck?

90% of Bernie supporters will be voting for Hillary. Most of the rest of the 10% are likely in non-swing states where they can feel comfortable voting any way they choose. It is a small group. Could it swing the election? I suppose, but I have a feeling there are far more disaffected Republicans who will be abandoning

“I don’t like what happened” = “BURN THIS PLACE DOWN”