
My wife texted me during the episode to say that Joe was hot. So…yes?

You want to keep yourselves dry, but it's also important to keep the wood dry if possible. They do need to keep the fire going.

I was saying Boo-urns- Ciera, Shirin, Terry, Vytas

chicago95- Jeremy, Spencer, Varner, Wentworth.

Responded there as well, but yes. Joseph Finn- Jeremy, Spencer, Tasha, Woo

Done. Thanks!

1qaz2wsx- Ciera, Joe, Stephen, Woo

You're up again. Abi Maria and Kass are the only two options left. Which would you prefer?

dig doug- Ciera, Kass, Savage, Woo

No problem. That's why I posted the info here, just in case.

Not a problem at all. We have plenty of time before the season starts. I'll let you know when you're up next, or you can check in at www.purplerockpodcast.com/c… to see how the draft is progressing.

Damn. Why don't I rig this thing so I can pick earlier? Varner is yours.

No problem. You're in!