
I think it’s awesome that you are voting against your own interests and don’t even care!

Fair enough. But people aren’t as upset about discrimination against asians. Get back to us when asians are being gunned down by the police on a daily basis.

But Chris Rock is black, which is why he spoke of the black experience in Hollywood. Why are blacks expected to do the heavy lifting while other minority groups benefit from our activism then remain silent when it really counts?

*when the media started paying attention to epidemic of police violence,

I don’t think people should be beating her up but I do think gender selection is odd. I just think it’s presumptuous... You’re assuming picking a male/female will have a certain outcome. So... Idk. The parent just already seems very invested in the gender identity of the child. Which can also be the case with parents

It is an ethical fine line. On one hand, a single couple says “oh yes, we want a girl” and on the other end you get a eugenics movement that values one over the other. We would be upset if everyone in China under the 1 child policy got IVF to select only boys.

if you have a selection of all healthy embryos why the hell not pick which sex if you want to?

Obama and kids! Have you seen this amazingness? This girl who will miss Obama as our president gets me.

I think what’s confusing about your comment is that you say you’d be proud to have the body you do if you were black. I understand the frustration that comes with being fetishized and harassed, but you would not be immune to that if you were a WoC. In fact, it may very well be even worse. At the risk of coming off as

Of course, that's the most important goal in life for women all over the world: who gets picked by the hot white guys? Naturally.

It seems that he and the mother of his son Winston are not in an exclusive, monogamous relationship and haven't been for a long time. I don't think that makes him a jerk?

My point is your feelings of being ostracized is a self fulfilling prophecy on not recognizing your privilege that I think many light/white passing people of color fall into. This is sort of the same put on upon act white people do when people of color call them out when white people think they are supposedly helping

When you “reveal” you are half Indian like it’s a party trick to get exaggerated reactions from what sound like clueless white people (and maybe some clueless Indians) it makes it seem like you are treating your race as a novelty. It’s a jokey way to to say “Yeah look how white I am, I’m so white but...”. I don’t find

On the flip side, I have experienced discrimination and ostracism within the Indian community—people who want me to somehow prove I am Indian.