
Its the new way that Republicans can spend money on frivolous things and not claim to be raising taxes.

If you take a 30 year mortgage out and pay the same amount you would have paid on a 15 year mortgage you pay the house of in something like 17 years. And you can go back down to the 30 year payment if things get tough.

Meet the Press did a decent 60 seconds on this yesterday. Because of population shifts and the large states being very “blue” it might be a long time before a Republican wins the white house while winning both popular and electoral votes.

God I hope that’s the reason given for the recounts to continue. “Your client, Donald J. Trump himself has claimed these elections to be rigged.”

What about Thai Boat Noodles? I love all the soups you mentioned but Thai Boat Noodles, with tons of chili are out of this world.

But aren’t all these discussions predicated on the idea that a person in the (self driving) car will be as likely to be hurt as in current cars?