
Remember, as others have been saying recently, the right are snowflakes: cold, white, and when the appear in large numbers, they close schools.

I think the Rock’s held that title without question now for over a decade, TBH.

i’m trying to buy a house right now.

I have nothing but respect for The Whites, even though many of them are addicted to opiates and are too lazy to get a job! I have some Whites in my family, they are good people, hard working, respectful! If all The Whites where like The Whites I know, they would be happier.

if it makes you feel any better you were probably right for thinking your grandfather was a crazy racist


Here, a home for you and your opinions.

This is an awful opinion.

siiiiigh. Silver’s analysis showed Trump as more competitive than literally any other pundit not actively working for Mr. Trump. He was wrong, but he was a hell of a lot less wrong than basically everybody else.

It may not be the Patriots fault, but a lot of their path just cleared up to the Super Bowl. KC is the second best team in the AFC... and they have no offense.

2017: You thought 2016 was shit?

It just makes the games so much worse. I want to watch Marriota and Carr in the playoffs, not Tom fucking Savage and I don’t know who the Raiders backup is.

We really are approaching the apocalypse and a DAL/NE Super Bowl, aren’t we?

So, I still have zero reason to play this game. Got it.

I am referring to “cap” before they hit luxury tax.

Smart people know he’s dumb but those aren’t the people who voted for him. The people who voted against their own self interests will suffer the most. Once the pain begins, the work of convincing them to vote against the orange cheeto must begin.

How coincidental, Triple H will be our bond rating after the Trump Presidency.

I’ve met and interacted with a lot of celebrities, but this is about my son.

This is the girl