
@Raziel66: 20% more money for people

@themightyspitz: even with cruise control, you still gotta INTURRUPT

I loved avast because of one simple feature, the start-up scan.

@mainachou: Those posts were not there when I posted it.

@Francis Lamarre: A crossover game that has a lot of characters from different places in it? how shocking!

@mainachou: umbreon. the dark evolution of eevee

@redman042: Exactly. I read this and though, goddamn this needed to be said.

@Bubbleman!: The idea may be unoriginal, but the execution is the key.

@Beastdozer: The demo is a terrible representation of the game, because they throw you into it with no knowledge of the controls, weapons, or abilities.

@RagingDoofus: He's got a clip-on. The wool's been over your eyes this whole time.

@Noah_J: It's rants like these that I love kotaku for.

@DEVOlutionSpud: Mafia 2 isn't that bad. I'd still be happy to get it, just not something I would knowingly spend my own money on.

@Cdog923: hehehe... thank ye...

@shizaam: I would be so happy. I think I'd cry.

@3MC: or instant noodles.

@RutgerHauer: It's easier to rush if your zerg aren't fucking.

@whatchasay: Scrambles?! I didnt know that hurricaines had wifi.

@Suduki: Lags too hard to play on my Magic.