@Marand: You can have binder clips without binders.
@Marand: You can have binder clips without binders.
@-MasterDex-: I apologize for my insolence. I have ashamed my family by thinking dirty thoughts such as this.
@-MasterDex-: I can't help but feel that picture should have a nsfw tag xD
@Gameslaya: Yeah, it probably will.
@pressstart: it got em a negative 1.
@crazypills77: Nope, only Crysis
@Sloopydrew: The controller scheme is different, theres no point comparing it to the wii in things they do differently.
@Helis: inFamous/inFamous 2? Demon's Souls? Killzone 2/3?
@Chester Coat Sleaves is disappointed Dean is gone.: I'm a vodka drinking grunt/maniacal despot, FEAR ME!!!
@DocHobo: The jig is a physical object, but the code for it may be stored in the SDK.
@Mmm: AFAIK in most countries, making a backup is not illegal. Circumventing protection on the other hand is illegal, and usually required for making/using the backup
@Justin42: Everything I've read about this device, i have never come across that kind of explanation.
@DangerousLiberal: Sleeman is made in Guelph, and is delicious
@westsidegimpin: I've gotten it a bunch of times. Any time a program stops responding really.
I've seen a lot of people claim the software for this is available to put on any usb and run.
@Jotsy: Buying a product should be a choice. Re-buying more so than buying to begin with. If you are forced to re-buy a product just because it broke, that is just not right.
@tastes_like_burning: No actually. Wow that's really surprising xD
@woshiernog: September. Not August. It is in almost exactly a month
@BeerManMike: This video just made me go from meh-cover-based-shooter to freaking awesome!!!
@truthtellah: That is so jokes. Cannot unsee though :(