
@fmhypo: you can find it for under 20 bucks pretty commonly. It is extremely good. pick it up if you can.

@dusko: Damn hidden costs. Those sandwiches'll get ya

@gurfinki: Definitely pick up A Crack in Time. It is really good. Plus the fact that there's trophies is an added bonus.

@Smash_Bro: The farther you go in the game, the more you will notice the RPG elements.

@Duin: I still think that falls under the "Rico screwed everything up" banner.

@PunkyChipsAhoy: I've found that Killzone is a mediocre shooter, but it is really pretty.

@UliKunkel: That is exactly the same thing that I thought.

@elduro13: It is still android. that is like saying a rom with HTC sense is not android anymore.

@Nitesh Singh: so we're america's drunken accidental hook up.

@Chronixal: Not the wii version, which is the only version I played. wii version has more night levels than day levels :(

@Nitesh Singh: me too, living in america's hat is always a pain :(

@Gigglebox: This has always been my complaint with the iphone. I feel like the operating system treats me like a moron who knows nothing about technology, while android is a highly customizable system, that i can even swap out for an entirely new one if i so please.

@Nitesh Singh: Totally do the evo, IMO android is much better than iphone os, especially when you use custom roms.

@josh6135: I instantly thought: man this gameplay looks like a first person inFamous.

@icepick314: you can always live on kraft dinner

@dragon83: I havent played it particularly much, but i know several people who havent even turned it on

@frogbox: arthritis will get you.