
oh poor sarah silverman

everything’s misogyny!

wow she and her husband must have really great jobs to afford so many kids! congrats!

oh Sony says it’s good? they would never try to spin anything

lol seems unbiased

wow, 30 whole people

there’s an extra virgin joke here somewhere

Warren probably wanted to take on wall street which was a non starter for Hillary

how the hell is this newsworthy

were you falsely accusing men of rape then as well?

i thought being fat was healthy

if i had a dollar for everytime you used the term latinx i could buy myself lunch out

ugh fuck penn state fans

you sound like fun at weddings

isn’t like every pop song pachbel’s canon though?

“make you feel my love” was penned by dylan, so it stays

no she’s just dumb

james cameron?!?!? find a new line of work.

you are all such garbage people

i assume the culprits are largely middle eastern migrants