
World class pants-gut overlap.

Seriously? The truck is effortlessly quick, has quality bits inside, and is like riding a pillow. Probably the best in its class as well and can easily tow 8k lbs to boot. I agree it's looks are polarizing(personally I'm a fan) but to pick a GC over it? Never go full retard.

Primer and paint aren't "drift spec", bro!

50? That's nothing that the owner didn't do a few times on the way there. He didn't hit anything, there's no harm to the car. I don't see a problem.

I would too, but they call it "resale red" for a reason.

Can we be done with this trend yet?

Okay, it is time for an intervention. You guys (collectively, everyone who writes for Jalopnik) uses the word "terrifying", or variations there of, way too much. Seriously, if this were a drinking game we'd all be terrifyingly drunk. At some point, when everything is terrifying, nothing is terrifying. Please get a

What about the segways?! Please don't take my Ferrari Segway away from me!

"Ford Store" or online ordering... there's really no reason you shouldn't be able to spec the car you want online, get approved for credit (if needed) and have it shipped to your door like Amazon. Maybe pay: (dealer invoice minus dealer delivery charge) + $1k for shipping. Or pick it up from MI or wherever yourself

Dear Squids,

Obviously you don't know a timeless design when you see one.that car will look great for decades

Yes, but they already have that (and likely will be adding the new styling to it) in the V60. No one has a 2 door shooting brake these days.

There's a little bit of circular logic to it, though. Yes, distracted and uneducated drivers are an issue in the US... but the 12' wide lanes give them the room to accidentally wander about. Narrow the lanes, the road feels less safe at speed, and they pay more attention. Increased drivers education is definitely a

Or, maybe they would do less of those things because of the newly perceived danger associated with a narrower lane. The wider lanes is what allows them to pull that sort of shitshow stunts.

I think that he is the PERFECT spokesperson, apart from what he preached when he drove. He has been there, at the Nurburgring, albeit in the slightly easier version after 1970 with no bumps, but at the fastest possible F1 era on that Ring and he also drove in ridiculously dangerous cars AND he paid the price for it.