Much better than the sub human excrement being emitted from the right. No like? Then leave!
Much better than the sub human excrement being emitted from the right. No like? Then leave!
Incorrect! If he was dead the deplorables might find someone that could potentially win. Personally I’m enjoying the Trump Titanic Tour. As it stands we are truly witnessing a sinking ship.
Yeah a concern, same with checking in luggage that isn't a carry on for a flight. Paranoia is total awareness. trust but verify, if true treason sounds like an option.
Yes and great to see!
42 year IAM member here, shame on the teamsters that back the orange ass and shame to the leadership for not backing the blue!!
May those souls RIP but it’s fun watching Trump’s Titanic tour. Please don’t shoot him, don’t want a potentially semi electable replacement candidate. Only good line from Bush "next stop the dustbin of history".
Not really into his music but great human being regardless.
Res ipsa loquitor.
I’m in, NP is at 82%, thought it would be higher than that.
Don’t know, just remember she was arrested for lewd acts with a sledgehammer.
And the toilet rockers!
Don’t forget Wendy O Williams, both arrested in Milwaukee.
Yes and common sense.
They will supposedly bring it back unoccupied. Thought I saw some potential concerns about undocking related to losing access to whatever node or airlock they are currently attached to.
Witnessing the downfall of a legendary company. Used to be “if it ain’t Boeing I ain’t going”. Guess Airbus now has that title. Farming out work as in non union and awful leadership strikes again. Absolutely shameful!!
Grew up in Milwaukee, only redeeming factor is the semi decent union jobs that are now constantly being squeezed.
Kudos to the care and clean presentation here, nice work by the owner! For the right person I could see maybe 15K otherwise a ND.
It’s as if I live in Recedeh. Learned something today “poverty button”, thanks! Public city buses are known as the the “peasant wagon” around here. Is that a common thing?