It's Time

Yes and common sense.

They will supposedly bring it back unoccupied. Thought I saw some potential concerns about undocking related to losing access to whatever node or airlock they are currently attached to.

Witnessing the downfall of a legendary company. Used to be “if it ain’t Boeing I ain’t going”. Guess Airbus now has that title. Farming out work as in non union and awful leadership strikes again. Absolutely shameful!!

Grew up in Milwaukee, only redeeming factor is the semi decent union jobs that are now constantly being squeezed.

Kudos to the care and clean presentation here, nice work by the owner! For the right person I could see maybe 15K otherwise a ND.

It’s as if I live in Recedeh. Learned something todaypoverty button”, thanks! Public city buses are known as the the “peasant wagon” around here. Is that a common thing?

Mentioned before but 1981 Volks Jetta diesel. Start with about 50 hp when it decided to start. German built most certainly during Octoberfest. Won't bore you with the lengthy list of defects.

Trips my trigger, NP!

Rav4 Prime PHEV, rarely use gas. Charge at home much cheaper than gas. Room for kayaks, bikes and whatever. Faster then needed when needed.

ND, too half baked.

Not that simple. Different horses for  different courses.


Mine was made in Germany.

I feel your pain!

1981 Volks Jetta diesel. Mine was an Octoberfest special in all the wrong drunken ways semi humanely possible. Loose bolts everywhere. It spent more time at the dealership than in my garage for engine issues, transmission issues,  panel gap issues, window cranks falling off. Massive high horsepower starter with a

Peekaboo and Thank you!

We ARE Devo, D E V O.

Perfect, I have the fifty year set on vinyl. Are we not men?

Starting? Been going on for a while. 

Surely not a big enough consequence but hopefully going forward there are no more issues. Should not get anymore "chances" period.