It's Time


Thanks for your work and my learning experience. Science is the way!!

Mine was made in Germany.

I feel your pain!

1981 Volks Jetta diesel. Mine was an Octoberfest special in all the wrong drunken ways semi humanely possible. Loose bolts everywhere. It spent more time at the dealership than in my garage for engine issues, transmission issues,  panel gap issues, window cranks falling off. Massive high horsepower starter with a

Peekaboo and Thank you!

We ARE Devo, D E V O.

Perfect, I have the fifty year set on vinyl. Are we not men?

Starting? Been going on for a while. 

Surely not a big enough consequence but hopefully going forward there are no more issues. Should not get anymore "chances" period.

You would never go back to sheep. Stay greyed.

Sorry but what planet are you from?

Complete detail of the interior and exterior of course, it's pride of ownership. Last is ceramic topper. Everything else is always up to date.

As an ordained minister in the FSM Church all I can say is Ramen!

Thanks, whole lot of luck too!

Re42 years IAM retired. Thank you brother and best to you, solidarity forever!

They move to stay level depending on how the car is weighted, thus called self leveling.

I’ve had self leveling and or adaptive headlights since 2006.

A laughable, tragic and pathetic statement all in one, a true trifecta! Never was in and never will be with the current status quo.

Thanks I get it. RR was a POS!