It's Time

If there was a same spec Toyota equivalent I’d do new paint and be all in. But talk about a very active hornets nest, no way, no how, ND.

Surely not like a manual! But not Subaru rubber bands either. Ho ho, Merry Christmas to all.

If it’s the planetary gear system you are good to go with it. Not sure but I think all Toyota hybrids use it. Completely different than a standard CVT.

Look at who runs the Senate and Assembly in what used to be a proud state. Fully gerrymandered is a huge understatement. This tragedy is a direct result of that.

Thanks I get it. Apologies to you also.

I agree with many of your points but your presentation set me off. I do think she still has done some noble things and I have no idea how much $$ she has. But yes the last thing the world needs is more billionaires. Peace now.

As you so gleefully continue down your path of raging and empty bitterness, have a Merry Christmas and New Year anyway.

The former Ms is too smart and caring to do nonsense like this.

After four hours of brain surgery my new name at work is “half a brain”. Time to collaborate with Mr. Chainz and kickstart things. I can see the headlines and the $$ now!

You didn’t miss much! I call it the slum of lake country cuz we don’t have a lake. I did a 45 year sentence in Milwaukee it's a whole lot nicer out here. Hopefully get you out of the greys.

Spot on, thank you!

Yeah the overuse of salt is an environmental disaster. My state has a “Saltwise” program to educate the towns, villages and cities on how to minimize it’s use. Now getting those entities to join the program is an issue. Do you hear me Wales, WI??

RAV4 Prime yes! Too bad no more $7500 tax credit.

Just what the world really needs right now, I'm so relieved.

No more room at the Inn or it would be mine. NP

If you don’t have to pedal at all, ban them. No UL approval on battery same thing.

Agree, bottom line.

Gentleman is the wrong word.


Yep Ortlieb only.