It's Time

Spot on, thank you!

Yeah the overuse of salt is an environmental disaster. My state has a “Saltwise” program to educate the towns, villages and cities on how to minimize it’s use. Now getting those entities to join the program is an issue. Do you hear me Wales, WI??

RAV4 Prime yes! Too bad no more $7500 tax credit.

Just what the world really needs right now, I'm so relieved.

No more room at the Inn or it would be mine. NP

If you don’t have to pedal at all, ban them. No UL approval on battery same thing.

Agree, bottom line.

Gentleman is the wrong word.


Yep Ortlieb only.

My insurance company required a separate policy for ebikes 

I get it, illness forced me to ebike this year what a savior! Get some saddle time in and you'll soon be lighting matches with your butt.

I think the attitude suit here fits well, wear it.

Old man Dan here dating myself, it was the Bricklin for me. 

Tell me more please. Brand, how old, etc, thanks.

Buy quality buy once.

Yeah really hate that O'Brien has lowered the standards. Solidarity forever!

Did you know we already have had 50 years of De-Evolution? Darwins head continues to spin

Long live amplitude modulation!!

Ignore the naysayers and save boatloads of money that's what I did for my long commute then paid cash for my loaded RAV4 Prime.