
A movie about F1 blows its budget? Seems accurate.

Where is everyone on the chances this earns a spot on this list...

Ford v. Ferrari: $225 million worldwide

Ha ha! Jokes on them, I have the biometrics for my phone tied to the third toe of my left foot!

I still don’t get it why Hyundai has not announced a hybrid version of the Santa Cruz, since the Tucson Hybrid has been pretty solid and both vehicles share a lot of components. 

Flashlight is a hardware function not a app. In which case I choose “silent.”

Calculator should have won. Flashlight is a light-switch, rather than an app. How could we all let this happen? All tens of us...  But more seriously, Rhett, thank you for your work over the years, truly.  

as if the star of Home Alone 2 you voted for doesn’t tell you how to think

He’s the offspring of a Final Fantasy character and a Pokemon.

Isn’t Rebel Wilson a little young to be releasing a memoir? Like those usually come out by older people and/or people who have retired from the industry, and she’s neither of those unless I missed a news story where she said she’s quitting.

No, there is also ONE MORE remaining question: How did he get that name? Wicliff Yves Fleurizard sounds like a name an underage teen uses on his fake ID to try to get into bars. 

“...filing for bankruptcy in 2013 even though it got $192 million in loans from the Department of Energy.”

Having a “no assholes” policy might make it a short list of people in Hollywood one can work with.

They both seem like assholes. At least SBC has made me laugh before though, which is more than I can say about Rebel Wilson. 

Book is due out soon she needed to get it back in the spotlight. Nothing to see here but marketing 101. Also, didn’t she do some assholish things a few years ago?

Reminds me a lesson from one of my finance professors who would tell a story about losing a substantial portion of his life savings shorting sub-prime lenders a few months too early in the 2000's “Sometimes the market can afford to remain illogical longer than you can remain solvent”

Maybe because around 5 years ago she admitted forcibly fingering Tom Hardy’s asshole at a director’s suggestion, then admitted capriciously groping Anne Hathaway’s breasts while in character feigning acute blindness? Practically bragging about both assaults? Just guessing.

Hmm. Why does publicly calling out someone famous for staged publicity stunts feel like a staged publicity stunt?

Rebel Wilson *struggling* to stay relevant. 

Why am I hazily remembering Rebel being the asshole, like a year or two ago?...