
The bigger issue is that for once we’re getting a slim refresh without a price drop

I legitimately thought this was a story about a Fisker model called the Ocean Flipper that didn’t make it to production. RIP Flipper!

Need to pump out articles to generate controversy! Pretty lazy journalism, really. 100% speculation leads to a negative conclusion. 

That’s a lot of words spent on speculating why would the owner would auction the car, including all the usual EV naysayer’s talking points, while the reserve itself seems to indicate that they wanted to make a quick buck rather than getting “rid” of it for all its EV shortcomings (tm).

Cutting 40 grand from production seems like an nearly insurmountable challenge. If you didn’t engineer in profitability from the start of a product its going to be REALLY hard to find it later.  I have no doubt there is still some low hanging fruit, but that is a lot of needed fruit and not all of it is going to be

His list of achievements are all things other people did and he takes credit for.

And the thing is, if you actually look into his resume, it’s more about “being rich” ,in the right place at the right time”, and “being a sociopath” than actually being any sort of Tony Stark genius inventor man.

“Woke mind virus” is real...but it effects the people that accuse everyone else of having it, turning their brains to mush as they scream “woke” at everything that moves. Same with “Trump Derangement Syndrome”, the only people that have it are the people that can’t shut up about it. i.e. Musk is suffering from both.

He really is neckbeard Trump, full stop. Whereas Trump appealed to the wannabe 80s businessmen yuppie types, Musk appeals to the wannabe techbro basement dwellers.

Could we stop giving this manchild attention and free press every time he throws a tantrum? It’s just giving him the attention he’s seeking, like a playground bully. I’m not going after Kotaku specifically, this is a problem with all the tech/geek press sites out there.

I don’t care what’s on his resumé, or how long his list of “achievement” is. Elon Musk is easily the dumbest human being to ever become a billionaire.

Christ, what a loser.

“I love immigration. How else are all the white folks supposed to escape South Africa after the fall of Apartheid?” -Elon Musk

read a little about the owner of vinfast, and you won't be feeling as much sympathy.


And for a million surge points...he got me!

Looks like someone finally cashed in their Pepsi points. 

they uh..... they are still going ahead with this “design” eh? 

In an additional bit of good luck, after finding the treasure Bore was able to violently kill a whole platoon of Nazis on his way home.