Reading that opening paragraph was like watching a 4 hour movie
Reading that opening paragraph was like watching a 4 hour movie
It’s clearly a Chiron
Lose some weight and some paragraphs and you’ll fit.
Let’s go Sklar Brothers and Jon Hamm
In no way should this expensive Jetta ever be compared to a Stinger
Don’t fucking box you idiot
First heard this song while playing the Adult Swim game Robot Unicorn Attack. TFTM
If you look close enough, it says sex
I wish I could get paid for writing shit like this :(
C&D are the only people I’ve seen to get the Supra under 4. I saw a YouTube reviewer do like 4.4 or 4.6 on his first go and then later in the video got it down to 4.0 flat. C&D proved that 3.8 is possible, but I think the majority of drivers will experience low 4's with this thing on stock tires and equipment.
She signed up for this shit. She can fake a smile and a positive attitude. It’s her job.
Rasputin lookin’ mf in that car
Roll Tard
Dude’s like the Patriots color guy
Hot take: the 90s Blazers and Trailblazers were shit, are shit, and will always be shit.
There’s one more level: Akon black
She’s Pearl the whale from Spongebob