
Why are we treating learning an offense like it’s a six month endeavor? Brissett started two weeks after being traded this year. Same with Bradford last year. Both played... roughly up to their capability. Bradford played great. Brissett played okay, given he’s on a shit team and his ceiling is probably a backup QB

And she’s been rightfully called out by everyone for saying what she did so I’m not sure that’s the best example.

I liked the episode by and large. One nitpick I didn’t see others mention- I feel like the show leans into the ‘sexy hacker subculture’ a little too much sometimes. It makes for better television, but let’s be real. Something like the CTF scene would happen in a quiet basement with a bunch of decidely not-hip and

If you haven’t, definitely read Kennedy’s essay on sending Logical Progression. It’s amazing, although now even more tragic. I know Kennedy’s father wrote an essay to him in The Alpinist that I haven’t read but I’ve heard is worth reading. http://www.alpinist.com/doc/ALP38/11-the-sharp-end

Do the longer foam rollers ever go on sale? I’ve been keeping an eye out for a double-length one (at least 2') for a while and the only ones I can ever find that are on sale are the foam core ones which seem to lose stiffness over time.

Do the longer foam rollers ever go on sale? I’ve been keeping an eye out for a double-length one (at least 2') for a

The smug “look at how much I don’t care about this other thing other people care about” takes are one of my least favorite things on the internet. Just let people enjoy what they enjoy.

One question, was Jared Leto originally supposed to have more of a role in the film? It seemed like he was set up to have more of a role in the first trailer but in the end he seemed pretty inconsequential outside being set up to be the big bad if Blade Runner 2050 ends up being a thing.

Did you want to just get a dig in at a sport you don’t like, or do you actually believe that because one aspect of a sport is dangerous, there’s no point trying to make other aspects of the sports less dangerous?

I bought a car in April and haggled entirely through email with about a half dozen dealers. Most of them would jerk you around and ask you to come in at first but if you were adamant that you had already seen the car in person and just wanted a price, they would give you a price. It probably helped that the financing

I’m probably nitpicking but I think you’re being too conservative for the 400m. I’d be shocked if Lebron couldn’t walk out to the track and run under ~55 seconds right now. There’s a lot more of a crossover between his fitness and what it takes to run a good 400m and 55 seconds is like, mid-tier varsity high-schooler

Ah yes, if only someone had thought to return fire into the hotel to stop the shooter this all could’ve been avoided

This feels like the punchline to an even sicker joke but it looks like you stopped on page one of three on opensecrets.org. My congressman was on page 3 pocketing a cool 2k from the NRA for his thoughts and prayers.

Mr. President, wasn’t one offhand comment about how football was better before the rules were changed to cut down on brain injuries enough?

Doesn’t make sense to me that the justification for cancelling the season is that there aren’t enough players on the Varsity team but in the article they say that the JV and Modified teams are still playing. Maybe just call some kids up instead of shutting everything down?

I love being pedantic but this is a bridge too far (and also wrong)

Great article. Always blows my mind how much any article on Melee brings out the trolls. Some people just want to be mad, I guess.


I don’t really see why the game having bugs is some critical flaw. Off the top of my head, Brood War has hella bugs in it. Skiing in Tribes was an unintended feature that became codified in later releases because it changed the way the game was played. Just because a component of the game wasn’t intended by the devs

If BOB believed that, he would’ve named him the starter heading into the season and let him get as many reps with the first team as he could during preseason. The fact that he didn’t do that indicates to me that BOB thought that he wasn’t ready.

He doesn’t deserve to be the starter, but his agent still has a point. How the fuck do you bench someone after only 31 plays?