
And if a larger share of respondents claimed they watched more NFL, the fact that NFL ratings were actually down last year is good enough reason to discard this survey as meaningless. (Self-reporters are notoriously unreliable, and good pollsters are much more concerned with measuring how people actually act than with

It didn’t matter to you until you had kids. Bravo, you’re the worst type of progressive.

I can’t tell if this is performance art or if he’s actually his character from Silicon Valley.


Independent elected officials aren’t a cohesive party, though, they’re just not Republicans or Democrats. Bernie had to run as Democrat to have any sort of national credibility in 2016.

Right? They have some serious cred. I’ve seen too many “hurr durr I’m surprised they didn’t turn this into a listicle” comments on legit reporting from them and I’m excited to see that the tide is starting to turn on that.

Am I stupid or is this a half-finished headline?

At it’s core it’s just planning for your family’s life after your own death, which is what people do with wills anyway.

I swear to god, I thought this had to be a joke. But...

It’s really hard to have a good rebuild if you’re still making the playoffs, though. Going from, say, a top-10 pick to a mid-teens pick really sucks.

Maybe it’s just time for him to retire.

Gloria Carter is a top 5 mom ALL TIME

I’m just piling on at this point. But seriously. Why is this article so petty? I’m catching some real “finally stick it to the jock who bullied me in high school” vibes here.

Let’s call it 40 years even. You gotta really be nitpicking to consider a title won when you’re not old enough to remember it worth counting.

Is there really enough demand for a shuttle service outside commuter hours, though?

I don’t know where you’re getting your info from but there are only seven stages that see a regular amount of play. Definitely not “dozens”.

I dunno why you’d call this into question given that this story is literally dozens of stories just like that one. And having had two goldens, I can tell you that there’s no reason to doubt that this happened. I don’t know if goldens are uniquely inclined to eat any and everything, but both dogs have done similar

You’re vastly overestimating how fit the average American is. I doubt 50% of Americans could run a 5k, let alone get in shape to climb Everest.

You’d probably have to ask well in advance, though. I imagine asking how someone feels about abortions as you’re getting ready to have sex is a bit of a turn-off.

A relatively healthy Hawks/Pens SCF next season is what hockey fans deserve.