
He had no more responsibility to provide for starving people in a far off country than anyone else does.

We did not change, we are going to change.

But...what would happen to all of the leech industries?

It doesn't have to be your own testicles, though, right? I mean, any will do?

Let's try and help it along with some tags...

Agreed—I think the circle thing is cool in concept, but the phrase "predefined gesture" is abhorrently vague, IMO.

I think what annoys people most is that the patent is so vague. The patent is for any use of the touchscreen with any "predefined gesture" to unlock the phone. If one has a touchscreen phone, with limited physical buttons, how is one expected to unlock it without using the touchscreen?

I'm sorry, I believe you're misreading. The patent was filed June 2, 2009. The 2005 filing date is a filing date for a related patent, #7657849.

Wow. So, reading through the text...essentially if unlocking your phone requires touching its screen, you're in violation of the patent. "Predefined gesture" is, in my humble opinion, unreasonably vague.

My friend was gushing over the Steve Jobs biography, and was particularly touched about how Jobs found Buddhism. To paraphrase, Jobs was raised in Christian, and found a picture of a starving boy in Africa. When he brought that picture in to Sunday School and asked if God knew about this, the teacher replied, "It may

Right? I thought not moving meant, "barely moving." Wow.

Thanks. I was at work, so I couldn't view the videos...

That's awesome—how does the Dell monitor get power?

Replying to promote.

Responding to this comment because it says your other is too short...

I think the major addition here is the additional uVerse wireless access point, so that the cable signal doesn't eat into your normal WiFi bandwidth traffic.

You're right, that's one of the primary problems with uploading your consciousness to the internet: it wouldn't be a file move, it would be a file copy, right? A copy of your consciousness would be uploaded to the computer. Your consciousness would exist for your friends and family going forward, but you'd still

...That's...sort of a spoiler, no? But yes, the premise is the same.

My fear with uploading my consciousness to the internet (or a computer), is that you'd run the risk of stretching and expanding your consciousness to the point where it no longer exists at all, or at least does not exist in a form that is easily recognizable as human.

I get that your comment was made in jest, and I did laugh, but...think about it. All you'd really have to do to come up with that figure is look at all of the number of deaths each year that are caused by accidents and murder. This would rule out old age, disease, hunger, etc. Then, you could calculate the statistical