
Yeah. You're right. D:

Alright listen, I'm not a PhotoShop whiz, but c'mon.

Maybe it was an introductory deal: 1 penny for the first month, and then they charge your account directly every month, which they can do once they have the account and routing information off your check. Maybe?

—Whew!— Hey...guys, sorry I'm late, has anyone else said that it looks like a grappling hook???

Yeah I'm going to have to agree with lewis82 on this one—I was under the impression that the morning after pill was dangerous as a regularly used contraceptive, and should only be taken in emergencies.

Most i7s run normally at around 3.8. Overclocking from 3.8 to 4 isn't that much of an achievement.

XBox has some of the best customer service, in my opinion. The people are friendly and extraordinarily helpful.

I disagree. Fresh implies that it's new, but not necessarily that it's new and replacing something older. I had the same quibble that gthing had.

There ARE games that will make great use of multi-threading, but I would still say that the majority of games out there don't really make use of more than 2 cores.

The i5 can be overclocked a ton as well. I'm running around 4.1ghz at the moment, and it's got a pretty quiet little air-cooler on it. I've heard tell of i5s in the 4.8ghz range with water-cooling. It's got twice the number of core processors than the i5, I'll grant you, so it will do some things better.


I'm confused—looking at the website, it looks like the $59 Roku does not have the "enhanced remote with motion control for games." Does that mean that it has a remote control, but not the enhanced motion control one, or does that mean that it has no remote control whatsoever?

You're right that some models have USB ports, but it's important to note that the $50 model here does NOT.

And how much did your PS3 and PS3 media server cost you? Was it $50? I'm seriously guessing not.

Awesome to know, thanks!

You know—thank you. I was looking at this thinking, "meh I have my XBox 360, I'm all set thanks." It wasn't until I read your comment that I thought "Wait a second...I have more than one TV!"

It's not my favorite remote in the entire world, but...it's actually not that terrible. Its "smart find" works reasonably well, so you can use it to control other devices. Once you get used to it, it's alright.

Agreed. Once you start to talk about a couple hundred dollars, it's almost better to buy/build a HTPC. The Boxee sort of straddles two markets.

I'd be more interested in the TV Live Hub if I didn't have such a bad history with Western Digital products, actually...

Is there any word on which types of devices will be able to stream Amazon content?