Here come the old heads complaining about drifting despite the majority of the pictures in this article being of the WTAC cars.
Here come the old heads complaining about drifting despite the majority of the pictures in this article being of the WTAC cars.
You’re probably another fucking Nazi, but absolutely for sure your brain is full of shit. BLM is NOT a terrorist organization. You go to Hell.
As staid as it is by today’s standards, I will always love the Volvo 850 T5-R. It looks so great with those sharp edges, and that paint. Such a perfect shade of yellow.
What the hell... ok, so my alarm went off this morning, I put my Slacker station on ‘random’ while I was shaving, and it put on some Descendants. Get on the train to come in, set to random, it pulls another Descendants song. Get to my desk, open up Jalop for my morning NP/CP fix...
m8 I’m a fellow lifelong minnesotan, and all I needed was snow tires to make my FiST viable for winter driving
Was your room mate on winter tires? And driving out of a slide in a FWD car is arguably easier, you just mash the gas, spin the fronts, oversteer eliminated. No one needs AWD.
How are people so stupid they voted for or even still support this clown. He is embarrassing the US to a degree that it will take years to try and recover from.
I’m not wasting my Varsity material on a esports comment
How many virgins can you fit in one house?
This oneupsmanship WILL NOT STAND. I thought President Trump was going to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. Now we have a CANADIAN outshooting THE AMERICAN HERO CPO CHRIS KYLE. This is just FAKE NEWS. NOBODY SHOOTS BETTER THAN A AMERICAN!! MAGA!!!
This is a child’s mentality.
Try it sometime. It’s exceptionally realistic. They focused less on the assets and more on the gameplay and feel of the guns/maps. The game does look a lot better when everything is turned up.
Despite the superficial irreverence, the Gawkerverse has a very strong authoritarian bent. These aren’t nice people.
There is no such thing as “lego’s” — LEGO is the plural of LEGO.
Get off my lawn.
Retire, old man, you’re fucking useless. You can cluck your dessicated tongue and wag your bony finger at Trump’s antics all you want, but you don’t actually do a goddamn thing about it.
Duh? Did he not realize that Trump is a shithead like the rest of us did almost as soon as Trump started his campaign? Exactly why should he or is he surprised?
It should be noted that Officer Palladino attempted to shoot Tiger, but his Asian and Caucasian sides refused to move out of the way.
Here he is guys. The “Whatabout” man is here to remind us that someone else has done something vaguely similar to what just happened, despite the context and actual facts being completely different. That doesn’t matter to “Whatabout” man, as he just wants to feel a littler better, so that somehow makes it all OK.