Thx luv u <33333
Thx luv u <33333
Thanks dude. It’s nice to know people recognize how hot my takes are.
Don’t worry my idiotic friend, I don’t. Though, if you’re going to make dumbass comments, please stay off the internet.
You’re literally an idiot. Please don’t reproduce.
Dude, great story. Also, just wanna confirm that the Fest is the most amazing experience. I’ve seen the Ergs a few times and they’re always super dope, but never at Fest. I did get to see Dillinger Four play in 2009, and see Bomb The Music Industry! play on top of the Holiday Inn in 2012. Oh, and the Latterman reunion…
Modern life is the way it is because the human race has progressed. Idiots would just love to keep us in the past in the name of “thinning out the weak” or some dumb bullshit like that though.
Well you didn’t say it, but you certainly implied it with your “HEY STOP WASTING MY TIME WITH BURNOUTS” type comments. Like, you literally clicked on this article JUST to talk shit on burnouts. Get a life duder. If your name is any indication and you live in the mountains, don’t you have anything else to do to…
Ahh, so basically you’re just a total buzzkill and can’t let anyone enjoy anything YOU don’t enjoy because CLEARLY the world revolves around you. I’m so sorry sir, I bet Jalopnik is scrambling to make sure they cater to your every whim in the future.
Are you snoring because you’re not capable of doing burnouts so you try and downplay them?
Amazing story man. I was more interested in computers than cars growing up, but I loved goin’ down to the drag races and seeing my dad rip it up in his ‘68 Firebird. I now wish that I would’ve gotten off the computer and helped him out since neither of us have a ton of time on our hands nowadays, but I suppose I…
Oh it’s gonna happen, I just have to have that pesky currency to actually do it and unfortunately a Grand Cherokee is sucking all that up because it likes to leak gas and oil everywhere it goes because it’s stupid.
We got our first triggered Trump supporter, yeehaw!
Dude, you know Trump supporters are going to make a big deal about it because they’re whiny as fuck. That whole “snowflake” thing is pretty much just a projection of their own personalities. Let’s not forget about “economic anxiety”. What a bunch of losers.
Yep, that first paragraph is pretty damn telling. Anti-feminist and using triggered un-ironically? Bail.
I’d argue it definitely achieves something seeing as it has brought attention to this women as well as pointing out there are a ton of people out there (Bernie being an example) that are sexist jackasses.
Uh, yeah, we probably should bring up bad shit in society as often as possible. Unless you feel like burying your head in the sand and pretending everything is super cool and chill all the time and stuff.
Why the hell shouldn’t sexism be mentioned when it’s still prevalent? I see no issue with pointing it out whenever we get a chance to keep it fresh in people’s minds. This shit is real life dude, and you shouldn’t ignore it.
Dude, Jalopnik comments are a cesspool a lot of the time. That’s the thing about car culture: it attracts some of the douchiest, broiest shitbags because they understand cars and not much else. I love cars, but going to meets and shows sucks most of the time because people act like asshats.
I definitely use Bluetooth in my car purely because of the convenience, but I personally can tell a pretty big difference between them on my audio equipment at home. You’re right though, the car is a different story.
Too bad Brand New is over*. Their last* tour with Modest Mouse was dope though.