
Or you could put your kid in the car, lock it, and walk your lazy ass 10 feet to put the cart back where it belongs so you don’t inconvenience other people with your bullshit. Goddamn, parents who justify their selfishness/laziness with the whole “THINK OF MUH INNOCENT HELPLESS CHILDREN” argument probably shouldn’t be

“when* you wake up.”

This comment just proved exactly how insecure and prejudiced you really are. You’re scared shitless of people different than you, which is just a sad existence. With that, I gotta head on home. It was fun looking into the mind of an idiot. Have a good day duder!

Ha! You haven’t put a decent argument forward once. You haven’t ripped anything to shreds except your own credibility. Also, “you aren’t”*. Fixed that for ya.

Haha, sure dude, you go ahead and live in your world of delusion where all media outlets are colluding against your God King.

Hey, fuck ‘em, they had their chance. Obviously all of ‘em ain’t so bad, but it seems like the majority would rather live in a time where women stayed in the kitchen, minorities were segregated, and any religion other than Christianty wasn’t allowed, which shouldn’t be tolerated. It says in the constitution that all

Oh dude, I’m golden. I’m a straight white male working a cushy IT job making a pretty great salary. I’m not worried about myself. I’m worried about my friends and family who AREN’T straight white males who will be targeted by you and your mentally deficient brethren for being different. I’m worried about the veterans

Dude, please, PLEASE point me to the fiscal legislation Trump pushed out to lower the national debt by $12 billion. You can’t, because he had nothing to do with it. You dropped out of high school didn’t you?

Ha! Of course a dude still capable of seriously making “your mom” jokes would vote for Trump. Perpetually trapped in the past.

I think you might need to head back to your safe space snowflake. You seem to get real upset you get when someone goes against your Dear Leader Trump Bannon.

You sound mad little buddy. Don’t let the door to your safe space hit you on the way in, it could hurt your feelings :(

Sorry we’d rather have hard working immigrants than lazy white trash idiots who have no ambitions towards educating themselves any further than middle school, and then just expect a job to land in their lap.

Whoaaaa let’s not drag weed into this. It did nothing wrong. Besides, Patti and I had a very polite exchange and I’d like to get tea with them. I don’t even drink tea.

Mmm, yes, indubitably 

You’re droll

Tim Barry can do no wrong. From Avail to his solo stuff, it’s all just insanely good. Plus the dude still hops trains.

You sound like the kind of neighbor everyone hates because they want to be up in everyone else’s shit. An idea for you: get a life, stay out of other peoples business, and get over yourself. People will enjoy your company more. Oh, another idea: if you don’t like what’s on your neighbors property, pack up your shit

Naw bro, the thing is, you didn’t actually counter any of my arguments. That’s kind of how it works, you know? It’s alright though, I’m sure you’ll recover. Have fun staying in your little hidy hole ignoring the world around you and jerking it to Donnie.