
Because Russia is continuing to bombard an already devastated city. If they would abide by that request the peace talks would be still be ongoing.

Then jet dude. Your shitty attitude brings everyone down. It’s ironic how you call people “bedwetting pansies” but every post you make is whiny bullshit.

Nice! That’s about what I would expect with an i3 (even though the Skylake i3's are pretty kickass). Also I know the next patch is supposed to address performance issues so you might get a boost there too. I’m getting a few stutters here and there with my i7-6700k and 1080 FTW so there’s obviously some issues that

I feel like a 290x should be pushing more than that but I don’t know how CPU bound FH3 actually is. Like I said my buddy is running stable mid 40's up into the 50's on 1920x1080 with his 280x and 4790k. He actually just ordered a 1060 because he was bummed about the framerate, though I really don’t think mid 40's is

Have you upgraded your driver yet? That could be an issue. Also, go into Nvidia Control Panel and set Horizon 3 for maximum power, and you could turn on Adaptive V-Sync as well. Not sure what you’ve tried yet but those are some ideas.

Check out /r/hardwareswap on reddit. There’s usually some pretty good deals there, and you could always post your budget for a card and see what people offer. My buddy is about to get rid of his R9 280x for $110 which plays Horizon 3 on high around 40-60 FPS. Granted, he’s also got a i7-4790k but still.

Oh shit. My bad dude. I didn’t know you were the authority on this stuff. Have you contacted President Obama about this? He might not know about your total authority on the race card. Watch out though, he is black and you might not be super comfortable around him.


No thanks duder. I love cars, but I also love calling people out on their dumb bullshit they like to spew out. If you’re not feeling it, you really don’t have to read my comments. I’m certainly not forcing you to.

Hey buddy! How’s being a dick going for ya? Good deal, glad to hear it.

That’s a nice way of covering up your racist bullshit.

You’re a goober.

All generations are mostly crap.

Good stuff. Misogyny, sex-shaming, and homophobia in one post. You’re just proving that you’re a piece of shit.

Looks like someone lost their balls.

Like him or not, Obama has class. Unlike Trump. I doubt Obama would cover a perfectly good Diablo in decals and sticker his name all over it. It wouldn’t even be a story.

Ooo yeah, I knew that would get to you. Thanks for giving me that sweet satisfaction of knowing I riled up a closed minded idiot on the internet. Let me rile you up some more:

Fuck. You’re one of THOSE people. Yeah dude, the reason I didn’t type out a long reply to your bullshit was because I’m sooooo lazy. Lemme guess, all your problems stem from the “liberal agenda” and you hate those “fuckin’ Arabs” and want to keep immigrants out even though your ancestors immigrated here originally.

I was going to come up with a nice long response to your dribble but then I realized it would be lost on you. Instead I’ll just let you know that you’re an idiot.

I think you mean a car he paid for with his dad’s money.