
Oh stop with this SJW shit. You’re trying to make yourself seem like some kind of underdog who’s being oppressed by the big bad SJW’s. You’re not. I really couldn’t care less about your background. Both my dad and grandpa are/were career military and they don’t feel that makes their opinion any more or less valid so I

What’s amazing is how many homophobes still exist in 2016. Milk wasn’t perfect but he fought for gay rights which is commendable. I’m sure in a few days though you’ll find something else to get riled up about and forget all about this.

Love how you reply to this guy but can’t come up with a decent argument against the comments above. Though, having grown up there, I’m pretty used to people from Manhattan spouting idiotic things and never having the knowledge nor the guts to back them up.

I agree. I think that’s just how most tracks operate these days. A few of us tried to convince the owner of Briggs to buy it out but we figured he wouldn’t go for it and we were right. Hopefully he gets it turned around because there’s not too many tracks around anymore.

Who owns it now? I heard all about what was going down with the track but I don’t know who ended up actually buying it.

I miss KCIR. Heartland Park is fun and all but it doesn’t have that charm of a small track. I used to go to Midwest Raceway in Manhattan all the time when my dad still had his drag car. I’d race my four-wheeler there all the time. A lot of good memories at that track...

I don’t see your point.

Wow, yeah, systematic displacing of a large populace. That worked pretty well for the Nazis between 1939 - 1945. While they’re in the cave should we gas them too? I mean, if we’re already hiding them from the world, why not just commit genocide while we’re at it? Sounds like a good idea right?

Why aren’t you doing it then? Get off your keyboard, pick up your gun, and go fight. Maybe if you started acting like a man we wouldn’t have this issue. You’re our only hope. Save us AmericaRocks.

It seems to me he’s defending Islam in general, not the radicals. The radicals don’t deserve to be defended obviously. They are pieces of shit. That doesn’t automatically transform everyone who believes in a certain religion into a person who treats woman like property, kill homosexuals, etc. Painting an entire

I’d just give it up dude. For some reason Jalopnik attracts the shitty people in car culture. They grew up racist and probably sexist and think it’s still cool to keep the same values in today’s society. They don’t understand there’s always been shitty people in all religions and since they’re experiencing the radical

I’ll give ya that. That’s probably true. Like you said though I’d definitely sellout for more money. I already sold out to the 40/hr week so how much more could I really?

Whew, I bet she’s glad she’s got you here to grade her articles! I bet she’ll take this down right away because we all know how much your opinion matters around here.

I think most people would be cool with making money for writing some shitty songs for mainstream music. It’s not like Chris Stapleton is a poser. His stuff is pretty great old school-ish country and his albums with the Steeldrivers are some of the best bluegrass I’ve ever heard. The dude is definitely true to his

Dude. Thank you. I suppose I’m a Millenial but I’m also helping my dad rebuild a ‘68 Firebird, restoring a ‘67 Chevy C-10 myself, and I drive a stick. I’ve always loved cars and the culture that surrounds it and honestly I’ve never had old car guys scoff at me for being a person in his 20's who admittedly spends too

Damn, this is old. You must be very upset if you’re replying to this now.

Oh man, you’re so quirky and out of touch with the mainstream world with your sportsball references!

The comments here aren’t much better to be honest.

I think as a generation we’re fending for ourselves just fine. Most of us are resisting our elders skewed view on race, gender, politics, economics, etc, etc. That alone shows we’re doing great. The human race is about progress and the rhetoric you’re spouting only halts that. Go ahead and post your GPA and SAT

As I said in another comment, it seems as if Jalopniks main demographic is sad racist old men. As much as it sucks to see this kind of stuff on here there’s plenty of car guys out there in the world who welcome everyone with open arms and just want to talk about cars and shoot the shit.