punkrockprincess SSDGM

<3 honey i am so sorry. this all sounds awful and frustrating and fuck.

the only way you could get me to watch this wonder bread loaf fire is if i was too valiumed + white wined out of my mind to work the channel changer

i’m not a singer by any stretch of the imagination, but if i can sing her song as well as she can live (in the shower, thank you, crippling stage fright) there is a real issue with her career choice.

why he didn’t just go to nicole’s guy continues to baffle me

their nitro cold brew is pretty delicious. it’s not “coffee coffee” but it’s awesome for an afternoon beverage and has more caffeine than their iced coffee.

my name isn’t common, but it’s a known name, out of fashion today but common in pop culture. i’ve gotten “Evelyn” more than once. Evelyn shares as much in common with my name as “soccer” does with “platypus”

fuck that, i’m cancelling my diet meal delivery ASAP

i think it’s something to do with the region too. i eat maybe 6x more fruits and veggies in israel and france as i do at home (in nyc). i live in an affluent area and i definitely have enough money and access to get high quality local produce, it’s just not as good here. i still eat a lot, just not the variety and

i want this framed on my wall. can that happen?

it made me cry. it’s such a perfect response to this shit, and i truly do understand him and feel like he’s taking this all seriously. even if he weren’t a senator i support, i’d support anyone who came out with a statement like his. (Louis can go fuck himself)

it definitely read very much like an attack on jews and israel to me. in a very obvious way.

i’m a non-gamer nerd girl, and i’ve gotten the hate a bunch. and i have a cups. it doesn’t matter what your body is, you’ll get the hate. don’t open the door!

should have cast adam brody instead of darren criss, but criss is ryan murphy’s guy so meh.

i found Get Out hilarious because i’m literally from the white part of the movie (i know all white people are, but straight up my parents could be bradley whitford).

my SO person is super into that whole “wake me up with sex” thing, but i was assaulted while asleep, so it totally freaks me out. i think it’s ok as long as there’s prior consent/expression of desire for it, but personally i am NOT OK with people doing it just randomly or without explicit consent.


my sister and i are adopted (so not biologically related) and 4 years apart, but people have been thinking we’re twins for most of her adult life.

ssdgm. i need something to replace mindhunter, any suggestions? (i don’t do blood or clowns, and i hate kids)

don’t forget Albert Fish!