Also, MPG would be good for an adult romp as well. Wouldn't turn it away. Lose that bad wig though...
Also, MPG would be good for an adult romp as well. Wouldn't turn it away. Lose that bad wig though...
I think that her hair is so iconic it played into that response. She does look great though.
This was my thought. I'm pretty sure Slater wore that same outfit during the run of the show.
So Diddy's son Quincy is 23 but his dad is BANNING him from appearing on a TV show? And the kid is listening?
Explains Leg Avenue's unexpected January revenues.
"While it's hard to say for sure due to the anonymity of Instagram, according to Fast Company many of the role-players seem to be teenage girls."
It's odd, but I don't think the man in Beyonce's instagram pic looks like Jay Z. Something about the shape of his head seems wrong. Maybe Bey is posting pics of random people obscured JUST ENOUGH to make us think they're all together and happy family!!!!11 This is the proof people!
Pump the brakes, friend. It was a joke.
Spoiler alerts are forever.
Thanks for the spoiler alert.
I want to give whoever worked on the research for this mad props. Nice work.
I'm sure someone has already said it, but I'm too tired and sick to look. She's giving fierce Diana Ross glam here....
Her bangs were killing me. I kept feeling claustrophobic just looking at them.
You're inspiring me to go dig up some old school DeGeneres stand-up...
IN the second pic, which one is Beyonce?? The one with the braids?
This looks like a bad scan of the cover, or just a bad photo. Is there a photo spread included, or maybe it's just random stock?
Who died?
Hi Rhianna. Welcome to Gawker. Make yourself at home!
It's good to know this look makes EVERYONE look horrible.
This is how I envision Adrian Chen.