
From a native Dakotan: You should think about taking all of your metal jewelry off. That shit will give you frostbite before you even realize you are cold.

Yes, and empower refs to make a judgment call on what they believe a catch is. It’s amazing how, in the NFL’s pursuit for perfect uniformity they forgot that allowing judgment calls is a form of uniformity. Teams will know that referee X is more prone to ruling a questionable catch as incomplete than referee Z. It

The system is racist, not necessarily the individual officers involved in the shootings. The system trains police officers that POC are more criminally active, and thus, more dangerous. As a result, police officers are more likely to view seemingly innocuous behavior from POC as a threat requiring the use of deadly

Bullshit! How can you say that $25B being wrongfully withheld from high risk pools didn’t drive up premiums? That’s nonsense.

It also didn’t help that Congress withheld $25B in federal dollars earmarked to fund the high risk (i.e. most expensive) pools last year. Also, didn’t help that the D’s NEVER mentioned this during the campaign. Kind of like how they NEVER mentioned the unprecedented blockade of Garland’s confirmation hearing.

What are these “groups outside the Democratic establishment” you are referring to?

Goddamn it, why not just get a card with all free spaces?

Mostly, I think Phil was being a condescending prick.

Slave labor without the judging looks.

Romo’s contract makes him difficult, but not impossible to move next year. Bidding teams are probably Denver, Miami, NYJ, Cleveland, Chicago, and Jacksonville. And because there will be a bidding war, Denver will probably stand pat because Elway’s m.o. is to underpay. Whoever deals for him will probably have to move

What difference does it make if Trump’s supporters are actually all racist (btw David Duke says “hi”) when the people he will install into power promote an actively racist agenda?? Who cares what’s in these people’s heart of hearts? The policy which has been promised is a decidedly racist one.

Ok. Enjoy the Gulag.

I think your fair to question this with Johnson votes, but with Stein votes? Really? A Green Party supporter is going to vote for someone who plans to defund the EPA, back out of the Paris Accords, and greenlight the KPL?

Of course, no worries. Good luck out there.

Yes, a lot about whiteness. Also, a lot about anti-globalization. There’s a waive of isolationism that’s sweeping the globe. It started with Brexit, and now Trump. France is next, and then Germany. Then, who knows? I know that this too has a lot to do with racism (particularly Muslim immigrants), but isolationism

Nate Silver took a ton of shit for giving Trump the odds he gave him. He was accused “unskewing” polls to keep it competitive, when in reality, he didn’t unskew them enough. He wrote multiple articles about how Trump was within a polling error of becoming President. He, more than any other pollster (aggregater,

In talking with people who know the Bidens well, Jill strongly discouraged him from running...could even say, she forbid it. Beau’s death was understandably devastating for her and Joe, and she really needed his support to get through it. Tragic all around.

You forgot the EPA and the Paris Accords. Those are fucking gone too. I also expect a full scale attack on the civil justice system, and a ten-fold increase in the criminal justice system. So...I am...a little...concerned...right now.

Except Tom Brady. Don’t ask him.

Hard to say if Romo is still that Romo (for better or worse). The guy hasn’t played much in two years, and when he did play last year on Thanksgiving, he looked like he shouldn’t be out there at all. At this point, I don’t think Romo would fare better than 6-1. Why not let Dak ride out this win streak? I fully