
Lol i havent heard about overwatch since fortnite came out, except for the surprise of hearing the owl is still a thing

Lol thats optimistic. More likely player base down 60 percent toxicity up 20%

Thats sad, they shouldnt do that

I really like channing in magic mike because no one expects me to see magic mike and i dont have to hear about him.  So similar as to how i like mormons in utah and polar bears on the n9rthpole.  No contact is best contact

Ikr, he should be huge and right in the middle. And the stupid endgame name should be changed to racoon’s revenge: this time it’s fursonal

In smoothie form hidden on an emotional support animal

Omg we have opinions on wrestling now? Everyone is an expert on everything online.

This looks like a nowhere remake

You people are celebrating mediocrity! Mediocrity! MEDIOCRITY!

Do people still say chillax?

Me. Its a great show

Lol burlington i cant

Ross quality varies wildly from town to town

Lol good cosplayers pick someone appropriate for themselves. There was someone dressed as indiana jones’ father this year and everyone loved him. If u really are such a haggardly 30, and ur getting a day pass from your retirement community, this an event where its ok to wear a mask xD 

Lol u can just link mineralblu.  Posting all of his pictures takes forever to load

It s really good

To be fair frasier was more hit or miss than people remember

Omg yes.  Its all about suburban texas.  It rides a really nice line of being honest but not judgemental

Good :)

Its a really good show. The last episode was brilliant, some of the best writing youll find. Metcalf is fantastic, even better than her mother at the part