Puke Ellington

Or making fake drugs to sell to sophomores.

If you're desperate, they can be downloaded for a few bucks from Google play

o shit waddap

I've seen her. All of her.

That 3rd song is sampled in an MF DOOM song

Krammr try 2 spnd euro in englind

I'm so happy to see you alive! Last I heard you had been promoted to CEO of Minge and subsequently drowned in your work.

The directors being Swiss Army Man want to make a joke and not have it reported as serious information.

I wouldn't be surprised if they waited to see how Ghost in the Shell fairs at the box office before they actually enter production on this.

Nothing they do will make the final flesh monster as horrifying as it is in the anime, so why bother? Almost everything cool about Akira would look terrible if translated to live action/CGI.


"You can live here for one year. No rent."

Man I really hope we're not done seeing her. She's not involved in PP anymore but I hope they keep her around somehow/

But what if everybody has the Fast Pass?

Downvoted for lack of recognition of a 30 Rock quote.

I say, Cleveland, hello!

Splett: National Treasure

Frisky Dingo was just brutally nihilistic. I loved it.

yeah but he can proably still do that. he does look older