Puke Ellington

I think we're gonna see historically low voter turnout. Which is unfortunate.

If Trump shot up a school they'd call him a champion of the Second Amendment, taking a stand against evolution being taught in schools.

My boss likes Donald Trump because he thinks he's gonna lower taxes for business. Every time we're driving somewhere together he keeps trying to convince me that Bernie and Trump have a lot of the same views and I should pick him over Hillary in the general.

That would require Hillary to address her husband's infidelity, which I really don't see happening

Massachusetts always has a pretty strong religious, right wing contingent though. All the Irish Catholics and whatnot

I think it would go back to the dim-witted cowboy's lying father.

Hugh Grant wasn't possibly gonna be president

So is this Car Seat Headrest friends with an AV Clubber or something? Because this is the 4th article about this dude on here in like a week, and at least the second specifically about this lawsuit.

You're right. The Gaye family was going to sue, so Thicke and co sued preemptively. I stand corrected

Marvin Gayes estate sued and won, Thicker and Pharrell brought them back to court to appeal the decision. I think.

I wish I were making it up

Are you referring to Marvin or Bob? Either way, just because there's an explanation, doesn't mean I have to like it.

"Ghost In The Shell is being directed by Snow White And The Huntsman’s Rupert Sanders"

Poor Titus will be crushed when he discovers he didn't get the part.

Or Rookie of the Year?

"Hi! I'm waiting for retirement or death Rob Lowe! And I have cable."

Yeah, instead they license his likeness for "Bob Marley's BLAZIN Soccer" mobile game apps.

Does anybody know why Strahan left? I think Kelly called him "my n-word."

Did you see Best Time Ever or whatever his creepy voyeur program was called?

Does Ellen count?