Nice try DC marketing team.
Nice try DC marketing team.
I remember spending hours just shooting barrels on de_aztec.
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're trolling.
That’s all folks! Tune in same time tomorrow for another revelation: ROCKET LEAGUE BALL GOES IN THE NET ONCE AGAIN, PART 36!!
Because then a newb gets matched with higher ranked players in important matches which causes them to lose.
I’m going to put this bluntly:
Bring back Macy Gray.
I'm trying to save firemen but the game won't tell me where to go.
Someone explain to me why people are freaking out over a piece of plastic.
I means a match that doesn't count for anything.
Gorilla glass.
My fav Kinja bug is when it hijacks Amazon links to add Gawker referral codes. Oh wait... :D
Maybe not every fan...
Lol good luck with that.
You seem upset.
No kidding. I feel like everyone else is taking crazy pills or something.
Nice try Galvatron.
YES! Finally I found someone who has some sense. I've been running WASD for cam and 1234 for abilities for years. Why on Earth does anybody use their mouse to move the camera?? It's so inefficient for a game that is all about timing.
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