
Back in my day I would take a $60 gamble on games that sucked and I'd put down after 3 hours. I'm glad those days are over.

So where is all this anti-AI talk actually coming from? What has been the catalyst? Usually when a bunch of rabble rousers get ruffled it's because of an actual visible threat, and as of this day in 2015 there are A). No groundbreaking AI projects in development B). No plans to fund groundbreaking AI projects.

I'm not a security expert or anything, but if I was the NSA the first thing I would hack is the sites paranoid people go to. You can't honestly believe that DDG hasn't been tapped since day 1, can you?

I'm generally curious as to why you think Gawker writers want everyone else to think of them as Pulitzer journalists? Gawker is a network of entertainment blogs, it isn't a news agency.

Something something the blue guy from Watchmen.

I could see that. Too bad HL3 will be bundled with the Vive, can't compete with that.

The iPhone was still the best smartphone for like 5 solid years, it took Android devices a while to catch up in terms of overall quality. I haven't seen anything that suggests the Oculus will be able to be dominant from simply being way better than the competition.

Probably gaming. I only use my phone for the core functions, so I've never been anywhere close to draining my battery over a day, but I've also mastered this technique I like to call "plugging the phone in while I sleep" that seems to be beyond the grasp of some people.

Can someone explain how updating Android works, from the comments I gather that some of you are at the mercy of your carrier to allow you to update? How is that even remotely acceptable?

"Apple devices don't have half the functionality of their competitors!!"

You're totally missing the mark here. There is no difference between a federal agency and a large corporation these days, they work hand in hand.

Of course they do. If you think they don't sell that data to research/polling companies and share it with law enforcement you're being naive.

Uhhh ok? You guys do know that if you've ever been to a mall, 7-11, a hospital, a school, an airport, and (to keep this list short) any public place on the planet - you're being recorded, right?

...salmon pot pie is a thing?

Do you know how many times someone has said "worst ever" about an Apple product, and then that same product goes on to sell record numbers?

Or Pokemon.

The employees are also customers.

Disconcerting? We went from not being able to fly to landing on the Moon in under a hundred years. That's one lifetime. No advancements anywhere near what we've achieved since 1900 was achieved in the previous 10,0000 years of us banging rocks together.

Looks coolio.