
Hello armchair tacticians,

I've been playing LoL for 6 years and still don't know how some of the mechanics work.

League of Legends and Dota 2 - two of the most popular PC games in the universe - are repetitive. You literally push a lane the entire game.

I have questions:

Thank you Based Minecraft.

Blood Dragon is the best Far Cry game.

Calling all Joint Chiefs to the Hindu Kush mountains...

FTL: nothing more annoying than losing a crew member on your very first jump.

Do they go all the way into the ear canal, or are they more like the standard Apple buds?

Do they go all the way into the ear canal, or are they more like the standard Apple buds?

Serious question, not trolling: are you idiots really buying multiple DSs because of a graphic? Wouldn't a $0.75 decal from Etsy do the same thing?

I'm judging you pretty hard through the internet, to be honest.

Your countrymen have already set such a bad example, it's going to take a long time to shake that reputation.

No more Wii Hue.

The suicide rate at Foxconn is actually lower than the US and Chinese national average. When you employ over a million people, chances are there's going to be suicides, murders, rapes, and all sorts of other problems. If you're concerned with the working conditions of the factories of Foxconn, you may as well stop

Microsoft has never properly marketed anything, with Xbox maybe being the single exception.

Destiny: a game nobody likes but still gets a YES.

980 RP.

Smart move by them. They could even be the provider for other multiplayer games someday.