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Samsungs's 840 EVO SSD, of course!

Samsungs's 840 EVO SSD, of course!

Link is broken.

Nice try Amazon marketing team.


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I'd love to have the Samsung SSD 840 EVO!

Can confirm that nobody on the west coast knows what a coney is... But I want one...

Why do you guys even have regional versions?

Tell the Kinja team to take a day off from monetizing comments to add an IP ban feature.

I love me some Turtle Beach... My wireless x41's have probably been the best tech purchase I've ever made.

I love me some Turtle Beach... My wireless x41's have probably been the best tech purchase I've ever made.

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Introducing the first black character on Downton Abbey.

An onion, some beans and a couple of peppers with a carton of eggs is not going to last anyone 21 meals.


Apple is universally praised for high quality products...

Better Graphics Pack - $14.99


Is this game out?

I never really understood the appeal of over clocking... It doesn't make your games look better, so why would I care that I can boost my fps from 100 to 120 at the trade off of potentially having my $1000+ rig meltdown?

I'll definitely pick this up when it hits the $5-10 Steam sale mark.