
“Why are you marching? What rights don’t women have?”

My IUD is good for three more years, but I’ll likely be fertile longer. Insurance won’t pay for a replacement while it’s still functional, so I’d asked my doctor if it was possible the IUD had slipped and needed to be replaced.

He said no, which I expected, but then tried to reassure me it was no big deal because they

A friendly reminder that the GOP plans are hostile towards families and children. They want to increase unwanted pregnancies and then to deny women any methods of family planning and then prosecute and jail them when they exercise their bodily autonomy.

We need to stop playing into the GOP narrative that we want free birth control. Under the ACA, we get birth control covered at 100% by our insurance, but we pay for the insurance. It’s not a handout. It’s simply requiring insurance to provide a benefit that the overwhelming majority of women need.

You can take bigly from my tiny orange hands.

If he and his team can lie about everything all day long, we get to keep bigly.

This is exactly why the right is constantly talking about paid trolls and paid protesters. Because they do it!

And the right wing constantly accuse the left of using payed protesters. Project much?

McNelly, the DeVos aide, went on, “In fact, she has received more letters of support to the Senate HELP committee than all U.S. Secretaries of Education combined.”

Classic projection again!!

lol Barf Bag

Hey, remember all the hysterical tantrums because Obama very occasionally took a vacation? All those people are going to be furious and outraged about this, right? Right?

If by “fresh faced,” they mean “looks like a serial killer,” then yes— yes, he is “fresh faced”

Yeah we’re all angry dude. But tarring and feathering the defectors isn’t going to win us any new allies. Better to show support when someone crosses that line so we can encourage others to do the same rather than see them quietly go along with their crowd.

Leave it up to the women to have backbone and courage. White dudes, what’s good?????

In the meantime, let’s make their lives a living hell.

State reps are supposed to be working FOR us- instead they’re locking their doors on these women and refusing to answer our calls. Let’s not forget this in 2018.

Trump should not be allowed to nominate a Supreme Court Justice in the last year of his presidency #MicDrop

I truly, truly hate women who do this. They do not look at their husbands like that at home behind closed doors. It’s a stupid con game that their idiot cohorts fall for every time. My parents have been married for over 50 years, so this is not cynicism.... I know what real love looks like and that look of agape,

I can’t stand that look of awe and childlike adoration on a grown woman’s face. It’s the look every woman with one marble rolling around in her head gives her husband when he’s got two marbles rolling around. Duggard shit