Playable, but I wouldn't recommend it.
Playable, but I wouldn't recommend it.
Seriously. Aside from browsing the web/checking email, I don't see how someone could use an 11" screen on a daily basis.
I agree. Far too much emphases on Apple and far too little on the PC brands. I've been a big fan of Sony for years. It is the only laptop I've ever owned (including an Apple) that runs consistently well and doesn't crap out at the slightest bit of abuse. I've never been able to afford the Z Series (though I drool…
As hilarious as Stephen is and as hilarious as I'm sure him getting the award would be, something inside of me says that this really isn't that great of an idea.
Heartclicked. No matter how stupid a person may be, they are still humans. You have to be completely heartless to watch someone die like that and say such things....
I've never been a fan of parenting through fear. Sure, it gets the message across, but there's just too much gore in this video for me to want my child to see. Preserving innocense is important in this day and age.
And the second is for the wimpy astronauts. The tuck-under is to prevent damage to any vital areas/face while you use whichever hand is nearest to the alien/Russian/hostile to slap rapidly to ward off an attack. Sadly, this method was never meant to work. These astronauts were simply cannon fodder so that the braver,…
Ack. Just imagining the boat not being securely tied down and the car slamming on its breaks. The bow is directly in line with the rear window...
Ohhhhhhhhh, I see it now! Still looks like a complete mind-freak.
Same.... that's pretty sweet.
I honestly don't know what I'm looking at @_@ I think I found the steering wheel (left).... but... are those green things the front and back seats? And what is that purple thing? A divider? This has just confused me....
I'd argue it wasn't the ducklings that stopped traffic, but rather the driver who refused to simply run over the baby ducks. Meh... to each their own.
Yeahhh, tried that. For whatever reason (can't figure it out), every show she enjoys watching tends to favor Blackberries. I can't wrap my head around that. I have tried to explain to her why celebrities seem to favor Blackberries (the remote data wipe feature), but she doesn't listen. She thinks it's because they are…
Don't get me wrong, my wife is amazing in many, many ways, but she's pretty hopeless when it comes to tech. She simply goes with whatever her emotions tell her to. No worries, though, I make the majority of the tech decisions in our house. She only gets to pick out her phone lol
I disagree. I'm proud to work for a company that has morals and stands up for them. I know I would be bothered if, every time I passed by a female coworkers desk, she was looking at provocative, half-nude men. I understand where the company's logic is.
I didn't know the guy personally, so there may have been more to it than that. I just heard through word of mouth that the SI viewing was the culpret. Apparently he had been pulled aside and warned that someone saw what he was looking at and found it offensive. He didn't stop going to the site and eventually they let…
There's nothing cool nor classy about vehicles like this. This is complete CP.
Whatever your thoughts may be, the fact remains that this image should be considered NSFW. A guy at my company was fired about 5 months ago for repeatedly viewing Sports Illustrated images while at work. I consider this a "worse offense" than Sports Illustrated. The basic point that I'm making is, I don't want to risk…
Same with where I work. I can go to any site that I want, so long as it's not considered offensive. I'd definitely say this image would fall under the offensive category.
Yes, since you know, no one gets breaks or a lunch, ever. Good logic though.