
My wife doesn't understand cars, so it's hard to convince her to let me buy anything super cool. I usually have to explain the whole "idea" of the car to her before she begins to come to my side. Of course, sometimes it doesn't play out well. I bought a car with white leather seats and she still gets onto me about it

Sooo, a fly-by? O_O That's the perfect plan! Everyone will be looking for a car... but it was a plane!

Ok. Raise your hand if you care about the Honda concepts. . . anyone? . . . no one? . . . huh, surprising.

Wow, that really pisses me off. I hate how people judge each other based on outer appearance! Some of the richest people I know drive average and below average cars and dress in whatever the heck they want to wear. One friend of mine is worth about 30 million, yet he wears overalls and a straw hat most days! At least

Well yeah, I was basing it on my own mental scale lol. Poor —> Average —> Good

I'm talking about good quality; not average or poor quality. Most quality couches, this size, are over $3k. I'm not referring to just any couch that you would pick up at an Aarons or Haverty's furniture.

Generally a "good-quality" sofa runs at least twice that amount. Not saying you can't get a good one for less, but it's not too easy.

haha I'm all for that as well ^^ I have a rule in my house that I set for myself. We need one multi-passenger vehicle for hauling kids and things around in and one vehicle for amazing fuel economy because I drive so much. After that, I allow myself to buy myself a nice toy. I drive a Ford Fiesta, my wife has an Audi

*hands RIM a loaded gun* .... you've known this was eventually going to happen. Just stick it to your head and pull the trigger; enough is enough.

I'd buy a diesel in a heartbeat! I hate how the Europeans get all the 70 mpg diesels >:o

It sounds like you don't have enough money to complain. CEOs feed off of raises. When they don't get a raise, most shrivel up and die (hypothetically, at least. Really, they just retire on their $400,000/year retirement from the company). So, technically, they are a hero for not taking the raise because they will be

Yeah, that could definitely be improved on. I've, of course, met some cops that didn't have that "all-powerful" attitude to them, but quite a few are pretty cocky. I think it links back to the people that become cops. The "right" kind of person would be one who has empathy for people and who genuinely wants to help

This. My joke was more so a jab at the American society, as a whole. Cops aren't our enemy nor are they "bad". There are some bad seeds out there, but overall, they are necessary to keep the majority of us from killing each other. My post was simply to point out that we blow stupid stuff out of proportion. If I were a

haha I like Canada, the cops there seem reasonable. In America, there probably would have been some kind of bizarre carwash standoff, the drunk guys would end up getting shot to death, civil rights activists would swarm the scene, half the country would think the cops did the right thing and the other half would say

Thank you! The fuzzy photos that Jesus posted up weren't cutting it. Couldn't even see the details of the glasses.

I appreciate the defense, but I'm probably at fault for attempting humor on the interwebz. This is the second post I've made in two days that had some kind of serious comment to my obvious sarcastic/joke post.

In related news, Richard Hammond commits suicide.

lol yup. I've always admired the guys who are so trained that they can stay so damn calm, regardless of what the situation is. Anything more intense than a burned breakfast and I'm freaking out rofl

Of course I understand that. I'm just saying that it's amazing how calm their reactions are. They are trained driving machines, but sometimes I forget how high a level they are until I see something like this.

Call me a bastard, but for whatever reason, I'm not horribly excited about the new Viper. I know it's wrong and I want to change it... but, I'm not in love with it .... I'm just in love with the idea of it.