
hah thanks! Tooks years and years of online forum experience to gain this knowledge. Of course, a person could also spend a month online and gather the same thing... but... you know... gotta validate my time spent somehow.

Only a little bit ... and only to own the rights to everything that you are ... so it's cool, no worries.

Thank you all for the congrats ^^ I'm honored. Sorry the comment wasn't a bit more clever. I kinda just threw it together when I had a chance. Never-the-less, it's exciting to get recognized on a site that I like so much.

Holograms. To make the new new iPad revolutionary, it should ditch the screen in favor of a 3D hologram. Also, to keep things a it more practical, carbon fiber cases with built-in shock absorbers.

I'm looking forward to owning an OLED tv. I figured they'd be closer to the $10,000 range when first released, so this is actually a welcome surprise. Maybe that means that these tvs will be affordable for the masses within 2 years rather than us having to wait 3-5 years, like usual.

haha I know, I know .... just gotta get past the "buying last year's product" thing :-/

I get how visual cues are a distraction, but how is a voice-guided system one? That's no worse than listening to the radio while driving. I'm going to chalk this one into the "things we don't need, but they still try to make" category. Besides, if they really wanted to use vibrations to tell directions, they're doing

That'd be a generous gift! If I were going to gift someone something of that level, I would go with the iPad 2 as well. If they want the upgrade to the new iPad, they can return the iPad 2 and spend the extra money for the new one.

See, that's the thing. I have really stupid eyes. It took me about a year before I could see the difference between SD tv and HD tv (seriously). My eyes don't see detail well, apparently, so the retina display just isn't a big enough selling factor to me. The only reason I am really compelled to get the new iPad over

That's exactly where my mindset is. On one hand, if I buy something new, I want the "newest thing", but on the other hand, the newest thing isn't that much different from the old thing ...

I've never owned a tablet. I'm going to be buying one soon and it's going to be an iPad. But, I'm still not sure if the extra $100 for the new one versus the iPad 2 is worth it. Bah, why couldn't Apple had put something in the new one to make it undeniably the best choice ...

I sweat excessively. Bam, your turn.

It was at first, but after I posted it, I realized I was serious haha. Sarcasm was coming from the fact that I'm shocked that Giz is already done talking about the new iPad, but seriousness came from the fact that I'm actually curious about these supposed issues.

I don't always get an OUI, but when I do, it's doing doughnuts in a tractor on a public street.

Didn't realize elaboration was needed. Thread absorbs moisture. The case is made from thread. Thus, the case stores moisture. What is considered an "allowable" amount of moisture is purely personal choice. I don't want anything that could feel "wet" or "moist" wrapping my electronics. I'll stick to the hard cases.

See, I haven't owned a tablet, period. I don't game much, but I'm sure I'll buy a game or two and play in my free time. I just don't want the overheating to be a hinderance to that, if it would be.

I've been reading up on it everywhere. Was just curious what the final verdict was. I "like it", but if the choice is get an iPad 2 with no problems or a new iPad that overheats and dies on me regularly, then I don't know if I like it that much.

Appreciate the input ^^ I've been teetering on whether or not to just go with the iPad 2, but I hate buying outdated technology when I'm buying brand new.

Agreed. That show, when I happen to flip to it, hasn't made me laugh in years. I don't understand how it stays on the air. Are there that many people who find that crap funny?

Are we already out of iPad updates? I'm wanting to find out more juice on the new iPad before I buy one. Still not comfortable with the overheating issue.